Saturday, November 24, 2007

a month in to it

elliot brynne was born on october 21st, 2007.

its been a wonderful month adjusting to her and caden. sky. eh. not so much.

i'm having a hard time personally finding time for me which is leading to so much aggravation and animosity between us. he is so "overwhelmed" with teaching, going to grad school, coaching...and two kids. while i'm just in school and staying home. its a "who's is more important" fight in our heads.

and i'm tired. just tired.

that complaint out. elliot is a dream. a wonderful, amazing, calm, laid back, easy easy baby *knock on wood*

so different then caden ever was and i imagine some of this has to do with the fact that we went in this time with a totally different mind set...ease. i mean, hey, we've done this before. we are pros this time around. spit up...whatever. poop...this is old news. what.

this time i 'm more worried about caden shaking the damn bouncy chair violently to worry about if there is pee on her jumper. life over urine. poo i still change. ;)

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