Monday, August 06, 2007

more fluff

i'm officially obsessed with diaper buying.

so i got all the goodies in the mail today that i ordered last week! what i'm still waiting on is this for caden:

and this for Elliot:

and I really wish I could get this for Elliot but I told Sky I would stop. So if anyone really wants to get Elliot something *wink wink* here is the link

Friday, August 03, 2007


so just wanted to share what i've been up to. my new "obsession"

i'm expecting three small Bumkins covers in garden print and Dr. Seuss one fish two fish print. ($20)

6 small white bummis covers ($40)

a lot of 3 sm bummis snaps, 2 small bummis snaps and 1 medium bummis velcro ($30)

1 bummis nb cover ($5) 1 small toile cover/AI2 and one dappi dinosaur cover both smalls (who says girls can't wear dinosaurs?) ($10)

one cherry cover...oh so cute in small ($5)

not bad for such a little bit of money. almost everything was at least half off. i love diaperswappers....sigh...

Thursday, August 02, 2007

as i said, we made out way to the zoo yesterday. it was a lat minute trip kind of deal. nothing planned. left in time for caden to nap in the car. stopped at the first metro station in franconia-springfield and caden got to take his first ever subway ride

he was pretty excited about being on a train and kept going "choo choo" the train was above ground for a little bit being that we were coming from the 'burbs.

three trains later and we were there....or at least in the area. we were about a 1/3 of a mile from the zoo where we were greeted by this guy.

first it was off to see the air conditioned visitor center so sky could "take a break". caden was literally on the edge of his (stroller) seat. while waiting we got to see the panda's on the television. real time footage. not as good as the real thing but it passed the time... finally we got to see some animals. we came across the cheetahs first. you can see one in the background (right above the black rail) taking a break from the sweltering heat. you would think cheetahs would be used to it. i hear africa is pretty hot this time of year...

next it was on to the emu. caden loved this thing. he was disappointed because just around the corner from here should have been the zebras...but to all of our dismay, they were MIA.

inside to see the pandas. where caden could barely contain himself.

he kept crawling up on the railing trying to catch a better view.

then there was the bald eagle.

the hippos and elephants...the free range tamarine monkeys. there were lots of warning signs to hide your food. these guys had free range of the park. this is the mama and her 2 month old babies.

the prairie dogs were next. then the BIG CATS!! lions and tigers, oh my!

on to the invertabraes. apes, gorillas, orang utans...then after a stop at chipotle, it was time to head back home on the subway.

for a little peek-a-boo then bed time

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

the zoo

we made our way to washington DC today for a trip to the national zoo in what turned out to be the hottest, most uncomfortable conditions for a woman nearly 30 weeks along in a pregnancy. my feet hurt, i swear i pulled something in my stomach, and my ham strings ache. BUT caden had an amazing time and kept yelling "zebras" even though we never got to see the damn things. over half the animals weren't even out. we kept telling him he was going to see zebras (his favorite animal by far) and of course, there were none. and to top it all off, all of the gift shops were closed because of an employee appreciation event so i couldn't even get him a stuffed zebra. but i think he had a grand time anyway. we did see lions and tigers, apes, some small mammalish things, monkeys, elephants, hippos and such. i'll post pics tomorrow during his nap time. for now, i'm going to bed.

to cut or not to cut

that is the question. its finally come the time in young caden's life to decide if cutting his hair is the alternative to the brushing battles each night and the uni-dread each day, caused by his car seat.
i'll let the viewing public decide...

this is right after a bath. so it looks longer then it would dry...

and then dry....

too much to do

add this to the list of things i try to get done each day and i simply don't have the time. i think i'm going to have to give up my garden plot because there isn't enough time in the day NOW! what am i going to do with a second baby? i went by yesterday and the whole plot is over grown with weeds. i pulled up all the corn (that had sadly rotted anyway...all my ears were a waste). i pulled up the beans (snap and green), and some of the strawberry plant daughters that had spread. but mostly lots and lots of weeds. not to mention in the fall (in three weeks) starts back school, and i'm still working two jobs, and another baby will soon be here! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

but each day this summer has been a blast (almost every day) spending time with my two little men and trying to get as much quality time in as possible before elliot is here.
so some pics from the last couple of days!

at the park with his bestest friend (besides his mother). her name is zelda and she is a little under six months younger then him. but just as big...(hehe)

at the fountain..."mama, whats this?"


reading books with the fierce sasha...i think caden looks more fierce then the dog!

just being the super cutie that he is...

he makes me swoon....

and in just over two hours we are heading to the zoo in DC for a fun day trip. i'll post pics when we get back!