i'm feel so much bigger this time then i did with caden at about the same point. this was july 13th 2005. i would have been about 25 weeks at the time.

OKAY!! Maybe there isn't that big of a difference. but darn, it sure feels like it.
she is such an active little monkey in there. she moves about and kicks me all the time. i think she is going to be EXACTLY like her brother.
he is already so cute with her. every morning he tells my belly "hi baby..." then gives it a kiss. he can already say her name and does all the time. then he gives me a big fat zerbert on my belly and laughs. today he sat on my lap with his hand on my tummy trying to feel her kick. i doubt he has any idea why his hand is there...but its darn cute to imagine...
this pregnancy is soooo different from caden's. i don't have nearly the time to dwell on it that i did because i obviously now have caden running around to worry about. i feel so bad for not taking nearly as many belly pics, not writing nearly as often in the journal, etc. am i shorting her already? and i don't feel nearly as connected this time. i don't read to my belly or play her music through ear phones. but i just wonder this time if it was really beneficial the first time or something niave first time parents do to ensure they are "perfect"... now that i have caden, i feel like i've learned so much and i just don't know. something to ponder.
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