add this to the list of things i try to get done each day and i simply don't have the time. i think i'm going to have to give up my garden plot because there isn't enough time in the day NOW! what am i going to do with a second baby? i went by yesterday and the whole plot is over grown with weeds. i pulled up all the corn (that had sadly rotted anyway...all my ears were a waste). i pulled up the beans (snap and green), and some of the strawberry plant daughters that had spread. but mostly lots and lots of weeds. not to mention in the fall (in three weeks) starts back school, and i'm still working two jobs, and another baby will soon be here! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

but each day this summer has been a blast (almost every day) spending time with my two little men and trying to get as much quality time in as possible before elliot is here.
so some pics from the last couple of days!
at the park with his bestest friend (besides his mother). her name is zelda and she is a little under six months younger then him. but just as big...(hehe)
at the fountain..."mama, whats this?"

reading books with the fierce sasha...i think caden looks more fierce then the dog!

just being the super cutie that he is...
he makes me swoon....
and in just over two hours we are heading to the zoo in DC for a fun day trip. i'll post pics when we get back!
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